On This Day - June 29, 1626 - Juan Niño de Tabora arrived in Manila to serve as Governor-General of the Philippines


Today in Philippine History, June 29, 1626, Juan Niño de Tabora arrived in Manila to serve as Governor-General of the Philippines

On June 29, 1626, Juan Niño de Tabora, the Spanish general and colonial official, arrived in Manila to serve as Governor-General of the Philippines. De Tabora brought the wooden statue of the Virgin Mary known as Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Buen Viaje (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage), now placed in Antipolo Church.

   Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage
   (Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage)

Appointed Governor and Captain-General of the Philippines and president of the Royal Audiencia of Manila, De Tabora left New Spain (Mexico) for the Philippines on March 25, 1626 aboard the galleon El Almirante, bringing with him the wooden statue of the Virgin Mary. The statue was said to have protected the ship from storms and a shipboard fire during his 3-month voyage.

The statue became the patron of the Manila-Acapulco galleons.

De Tabora's term ended with his death on July 22, 1632.

Philippines News Agency archives

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