Views about this Year's Global Media Competition 2022 #GMC2022 #BurnedByTobacco #stopmotionanimation #animation

 Hi this is Dudz Clotario, just sharing my views about this year's Global Media Competition.

When I learned about the competition maybe just 3 days before deadline, I immediately wanted to enter. I am a non-smoker and I know tobacco industry's environment harms so I wanted to show it through my video. I asked my friend ma’am Pinky to make the script and Nehesh to do voice over. It was a seamless workflow that even we have different timezones, we still managed to finish it fast and upload just an hour before the deadline.

This competition is useful to share my talent using papercraft stopmotion animation. And It was a way to showcase my paper craft style of animation. It is hard to do, but its worth it.

When the winners where announced, I was so happy. I thanked all the people who supported, shared and voted for my entry. It’s good to learn the many people like my paper stopmotion.

Everyone should participate in this competition because it creates awareness about the hidden harm of the tobacco industry.

Long time ago when I was in grade 1, my very first art competition win was titled Be an Earth Saver, it was for a poster making competition. Fast Forward until now, I am still doing it, trying my best to save our environment by sharing information and making videos about it. The Tobacco industry is a big culprit causing massive harm to nature. 

Love the earth and be an earth saver. It’s the only home we have.

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