LEGO: STARCRAFT Terran Marine All Voices in 360 degrees!

"Work hard, play hard, die young... but not today!"
- Terran marine(src)

Marine SC1 Art2
A marine during the Brood War

Regarded as foundational units,[1] marines compose the bulk of most terran front-line forces, ranging from officially government-sanctioned units, local militias,[2] and private security firms, to pirates,[3] renegades and mercenaries. Koprulu sector marines are generally equipped with powered armor suits and rapid-fire C-14 rifles.
The suit provides full life-support and NBC protection, allowing
marines to deploy into environments that would otherwise be inimical to
human life.[2]
Massed marines form a flexible and highly effective fighting force for
both offensive and defensive operations against both ground and air

Despite such material investment into each marine, they tend to
have extremely short combat lives, the expectancy being mere seconds.[4] To improve their effectiveness and odds of survival, many marines make heavy use of stimpacks.[2]

Known BranchesEdit

"Marines are the
first line of defense for the terran worlds of the sector. Comprised of
convicts, rebels and patriots alike, they're always ready for a fight."

The following known organizations employ marines:

Terran ConfederacyEdit

"The Marines? The Marines are the biggest collection of criminals outside of the Tarsonis City Council!"

Confederate Marine Corps recruiting poster

A significant proportion of the Confederate Marine Corps was manned by "culturally challenged" individuals who had undergone neural resocialization[2] via brain surgery, implants such as aggression inhibitors, and resocialization tanks.[5] Counseling and drug therapy were also used to help overcome criminal and/or anti-social tendencies.[6]
Despite this source of manpower, it was not always sufficient to
replace battlefield losses, and instances of law-abiding persons being
conscripted and subjected to "resoc" were not unknown.[5] In any case, volunteers were few.[7]

Some marines had barcodes tattooed or branded onto their foreheads.[8]

By the time of the protoss attack on Chau Sara, each Confederate marine was officially issued a CMC-300/CMC-400 combat suit and a C-14 rifle. The slugthrower was a common sidearm.[7] Confederate marines did not require a PEB (Preferred Experience Base) to enlist (or be conscripted as the case often was).[9]

Terran DominionEdit

"A marine's work is not all fun and games. He has a duty as well...and that duty is to every world in the Terran Dominion, no matter how small."
- Major Tom Hawkins(src)

Gen SC-BG Cover2
Dominion marines in battle against the zerg

The fall of the Confederacy and its replacement by the Dominion (the Confederate Marine Corps being replaced by the Dominion Marine Corps
respectively) has seen an increase in volunteer recruitment, but not
enough to supplant "resoc" conscription. Marines continue to use
variants of the C-14 rifle many years after the Brood War, along with the inclusion of M98 ballistic alloy combat shields in their arsenal.[10] At some point, the slugthrower was replaced by the more powerful flak pistol.[11] After the Brood War, the Dominion developed a modified Quantradyne APOD-33 dropship, the medivac dropship, to increase the survivability of medics and keep marines in the field longer.[12] The success of the medivac design led to their adoption by the other Koprulu terran factions,[13] though medics are still fielded due to the medivac being expensive to deploy.[14] The Dominion Special Forces
also keep a large cadre of marines with specialist equipment, and while
they do not serve long those marines agree there is never a dull

Dominion marines continued to be the first line of defense to the terran nations and groups of the sector well after the End War. During the reign of Emperor Valerian Mengsk, the practice of resocialization was outlawed among the Dominion Marine Corps. Marines at the time were known to also make use of the CMC-400 powered combat suit.[3]

United Earth DirectorateEdit

Marine SC1 CineUEDVicRep1
A UED marine

marines, also known as "smiths", are equipped much to the same
standards as their colonial counterparts. Instead of the C-14 gauss
rifle, they are equipped with the C-141 AC Gauss Rifle, the C-150 Ronin pistol serving as a sidearm.[16] The UED included organic combat medics
in tactical marine units. The improved survivability of UED marines
inspired Koprulu terran forces to adopt medics in a similar fashion.[4]

At least some UED marines were controlled through aggression inhibitors.[17]

Specialist marines with advanced technology were given to Nova Terra's Covert Ops Crew during the Defenders of Man Insurgency.[18]


Marine SC2 Art5
A Raiders marine

The Kel-Morian Combine was fielding marines by the Brood War,[19] as opposed to more irregular units during the Guild Wars.[20]

The Umojan Protectorate marines are equipped with their own type of armor,[21][22][23] as opposed to the standard CMC designs of past years.[24]

Other organizations such as mercenary and rebel units have made use of marines. These include the Sons of Korhal,[25] Raynor's Raiders,[26] the War Pigs,[27] the Moebius Foundation,[28], Mira's Mercs, and the Mar Sara Separatists.[29]

Mercenary marines often carry bladed rifles, largely for intimidation and use in backwater bar fights.[15]

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LEGO- The German Defense: Part1 - WorldWar Bricks

The Bundeswehr (German: [ˈbʊndəsˌveːɐ̯] (About this sound listen), Federal Defence) is the unified armed forces of Germany and their civil administration and procurement authorities. The States of Germany are not allowed to maintain armed forces of their own, since the German Constitution states that matters of defense fall into the sole responsibility of the federal government.[4]
The Bundeswehr is divided into a military part (armed forces or Streitkräfte) and a civil part with the armed forces administration (Wehrverwaltung). The military part of the federal defense force consists of the German Army, the German Navy, the German Air Force, the Joint Support Service, the Joint Medical Service, and the Cyber and Information Space Command.
As of 31 December 2017, the Bundeswehr has a strength of 179,562 active soldiers,[5] placing it among the 30 largest military forces in the world and making it the second largest in the European Union behind France in terms of personnel.[5] In addition the Bundeswehr has approximately 27,600 reserve personnel (2016).[6] With German military expenditures at €37 billion,[7]
the Bundeswehr is among the top ten best-funded forces in the world,
even if in terms of share of German GDP, military expenditures remain
average at 1.13% and below the NATO target of 2%.

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How to Build: LEGO MINI BRICK city street view

How to Build: LEGO MINI BRICK city street view

This is a simple stopmotion of how to build the mini street Lego. Try it for yourself! Enjoy!

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